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How To Find Victory Amidst Challenges By Employing Simple Tools Through Faith

"Blessed be the Lord,
Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
7Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers;
The snare is broken, and we have escaped." Psalms 124:6-7

Threatening events used by Satan against God's people can be turned into weapons of triumph.

David didn't bring a spear or sword to the battle, since he did not need them to save God's army. (See 1 Samuel 17:50–52). He slashed Goliath's head off with his very sword. This is the pinnacle of exploiting the circumstance. It also perfectly describes God's total control over everything and everyone, and how He may use any of His creatures, including the devil, to bring salvation and triumph to those who trust in Him. Goliath's spear was massive, heavy, and lengthy. A description of its dimensions and weight is instructive. Goliath had to carry a lot of weight, but all for what? To be used against him only.

For all intents and purposes, Goliath's sword and spear were designed to behead David. Because of this, David would have dreaded and coiled away. The sword and spear wielded by Goliath's armor-bearer were symbols of Goliath's might, strength, and military expertise. And Goliath clarified David was no match for him because David had just brought stones. David's head could be cut off and fed to the vultures, according to Goliath. This, according to Goliath, was to be David's lesson: you don't come to battle an enormous giant with little weapons.

David was so derided, humiliated, and mocked. He was scorned and belittled. The young man was laughed at by the giant he faced. Goliath saw himself getting closer to his goal of humiliating God's army (1 Samuel 17:42).

Despite this, the sword that was meant to kill David became an instrument that ensured David's victory.

In this story of David using Goliath's sword to strike off Goliath's head, we see how God has thwarted promising attacks against the Church and God's people for decades.

The Church of Christ is frequently viewed as a people who are less useful, a people who need pity, and a group that can be easily dismantled and without consequence. Because of the modest state of gospel preachers and the instruments God uses to propagate the gospel, the Lord's enemies believe that there is no sophistication in the company of God's people and that destroying the Church would be as simple as a walk in the park.

Those who despise the Lord and His servants assess the Church's strengths against its flaws, concluding that the Church's flaws exceed its virtues. This is how emperors attacked the Church, and certain national leaders fought against her. They know in their hearts that the Church has no military force and that all she possesses are meaningless words that preachers hurl at people during sermons and preaching. They estimate that there are no armaments to be afraid of, and the Church has little or no plan to put up a serious opposition against her opponents.

They are certain beyond reasonable doubt that these are just singing birds and clapping fellas. To strategists, the Church is akin to the Nazareth about which Nathanael inquired, "Can anything good come out of there?" 

Those who undermine God's saving force at work among His people, however, are continually surprised by the Lord, who turns their wisdom into folly.

Choose How You Respond

Many hearts and souls, especially those in the palaces of the powerful, have been won by the Church's apparent simplicity. Sinners are affected and influenced by God's power through the simplicity of gospel preaching, which does not require a doctorate.

These simple tools, used with trust in a strong God, have proven to be powerful and effective in spreading the gospel and bringing glory to God. Husbands who had no intention of following Christ submit to the Lord's might through the humility of believing women, and their attempts to reject the Lord are rendered ineffective. Similarly, the cruel wives have been transformed into faithful wives because of their husbands' ardent devotion to the Lord. At first, spouses who choose to walk in the Lord's word and choose peace over violence are ridiculed and disregarded. But, in the end, they triumph over their opponents using basic yet effective ways of love, patience, and selflessness.

God doesn't need to use lofty weapons to bring the powerful to their knees. He encourages individuals who believe in Him to simply believe and trust in Him in all their actions.

He is a God who fiercely fights for His people, but the fight comes from Him, not from them. As a result, His people do not engage in combat. He stands up for them. God is the one who acts in fury, not them. The Lord commands His people to love, care for, and help their enemies while He takes care of the rest. The simplicity of God's people is actually tremendously strong because of God's hand behind that simplicity.

In the hands of a skilled and powerful warrior, despised weapons are more lethal than powerful weapons in the hands of a weak man.

The weapons of our combat, according to the Scriptures, are not carnal, but they are mighty in knocking down strongholds through God. Patience is a powerful tool that God has given us. When you place your love in God's hands, it has tremendous power. Humility isn't as out of date as some people believe.

Those who seek to harm your family and business may scoff at the principles God has given you to live by, but remember that what God empowers and directs you to deploy is merely an instrument, and God is the one who provides the much-needed victory. Behind your arm lies the Lord's powerful arm.

Goliath was dissatisfied with his defeat. He expected a battle with the Israeli representative (1 Samuel 17:8-10). "If he's able to fight with me and kill me..." Instead, He was assassinated without putting up a struggle. He died, but not in a brawl. Here was David, a man who takes the victory he doesn't have to battle for. To overcome battles, the Lord frequently instructs His people to refrain from fights. He told Jehoshaphat that Judah did not need to fight.

Because man is far too weak to fight God, God does not contend and strive with him. Even when the Lord calls His people to resist their enemies, He wants them to do so in the strength and force that He provides.

David said,

"All this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands," David says. 1 Samuel 17:47.

May all of God's people, everywhere, realize how powerful they are in Him. The world's systems are not in a position to tell the Church what is important and what methods to employ in bringing salvation to lost souls. The Lord's word should determine what His people should prioritize. And we should not even consider abandoning our godly weapons and methods if they appear clumsy and simplistic to world systems.

Don't be shy about leaving a comment or sharing this information with others who may be struggling or trapped. Thank you for the time to read this, and best wishes for a joyful rebuilt life!


Pastor Eryeza is also the author of "Becoming An Influence", "The Spiritual Health Solution For You,"and "Prayer Craft." All are available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions.


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Becoming an influence devotional book

Becoming An Influence

A 25-Day Devotional Book that explains the steps needed to follow Christ and be a wonderful influence in this world.

The Spiritual Health Solution For You

Book 2 of the Devotional Book Series, to help you get rid of the 8 deadly vices of the heart, once and for all.

Prayer Craft

A Book That Takes You around the Challenges and Joys of personal Prayer so that you can establish a robust private prayer lifestyle that you can be proud of, and that others can count on.