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How to Start From Scratch When It Seems You Have No Where To Begin From

"As you do not know what is the way of the wind,
Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child,
So you do not know the works of God who makes everything." Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NIV)

What if you didn't have to start from scratch? You can't start from scratch in any field, which is one of the most crucial lessons to learn. There are always some best practices that you adhere to. This is true in strengthening your faith in God's ability to rebuild you again.

You have a starting point, a foundation, and a place to start with Christ. In fact, you never start from scratch, even if you have nothing to begin with, nowhere to start, and no one to stand with you.

Consider the Lord to be your unseen basis, the foundation on which you can your dream, family, and hope.

You can thrive among strangers and start over regardless of what is broken around you if you have this understanding. You can begin in the wilderness and see God you up.

Don't be sad over what you've lost. It isn't necessary. You have the grace of Christ to begin wherever and move forward. Job had away from him, but the Lord restored it all (Job 42:10-12). No one, except for the Lord, stood alongside Paul the Apostle when he first defended the gospel. (2 Timothy 4:16-17).

When embraced the Lord and walked with Him in faith, they started a life of adventure, according to the Bible. Most of them were less fortunate, with little to show for it, but their outcomes show God's capacity to individuals from absolutely nothing.

Conclusion: Starting from scratch sounds scary, but it's possible. The Lord is on your side and will assist you. The good news is that God has equipped you with a wealth of resources to assist you in resuming your life!


"Heavenly Father, you are the source of my beginnings. You saw me long before the worlds were created, and you oversaw my birth. I believe you are here to build my destiny out of emptiness and lack, just as you miraculously formed my bones. I have faith in your ability to build strength from a place of weakness. You are prospering me from a background of poverty. And you bring light into the darkness for me and within me. Father, I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ."

Don't be shy about leaving a comment or sharing this information with others who may be struggling or trapped. Thank you for the time to read this, and best wishes for a joyful rebuilt life!

Pastor Eryeza is also the author of "Becoming An Influence", "The Spiritual Health Solution For You," and "Prayer Craft." All are available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions.

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Becoming an influence devotional book

Becoming An Influence

A 25-Day Devotional Book that explains the steps needed to follow Christ and be a wonderful influence in this world.

The Spiritual Health Solution For You

Book 2 of the Devotional Book Series, to help you get rid of the 8 deadly vices of the heart, once and for all.

Prayer Craft

A Book That Takes You around the Challenges and Joys of personal Prayer so that you can establish a robust private prayer lifestyle that you can be proud of, and that others can count on.